Alright so a lot of things have happened since the beginning of December, We moved out of our little one bedroom apt., Mike and I both Graduated from BYU-I, we spent a full week with the Smith Family for our first Christmas as a married couple , we spent New Years with the Lindsey Family, and Mike got a REAL JOB. (yay!)He's been working so hard and I am so proud of him. We now live in Southern California, yes you guessed it, with the Parents but its been really fun to spend this time with Family. So here are some pictures of the festivities. (Be prepared for Picture Overload)

Goodbye Rexburg!!
This is Erika running around in circles because she's so excited for Christmas and wouldn't stop to get her shirt on.
I even made a batch of peanut butter cookies with the hershey's kisses that, not only turned out great but, actually got eaten. I snapped a picture right before the last one was devoured.
(p.s. if you haven't ever played the game balderdash I suggest you buy it! I bought it for Mike for Christmas and the whole family spent the next 3 days playing it cuz it was so much fun and HILARIOUS!)
On New Years Eve we had an outrageous Bunco Tournament with cash prizes, Bingo Tournament with more prizes and lots of Yummy Food! Thanks to My big Seester for planning such a fun New Years!